Yes, I haven't been in here in quite some time.
And in here not only means the blog but this side of my mind. I had the shocking reality that just thinking about something wasn't enough so in order to accomplish said thought would require me getting off my ass. So since I can't multi-task very well (except in the sack but life ain't the sack...unless I was a man-whore but then how would I get clients, how would I explain that to the spouse, what would that business model look like.....geez, I digress!!) I figured I focus on the thing that was most important to me and yes I know its totally "Shallow Hal" of me but that's getting back to my 6 pack build.
I so know that there's more to life than being physically fit but that's where everything starts for me. Not to mention that if I feel happy about the way I look or think I look good then everything else is better (for me anyway). So, in classic Splinter fashion most of the rest of my life is suffering while I get 2 to 3 workouts a day in the gym, running, biking and swimming. Throw in that I had to revamp what I ate and I'm gassed most of the time from killer workouts and now I pretty much just sleep, eat and workout.
It was also a function of getting so tired of people and life in general and the I'm a grown up conclusion that there are so many things I can't change that I figured since I'm the one thing I CAN change is me I should get to workin'. So the change is noticeable (at least that's what I'm told) but I'm still not happy. Am I ever really? After some "Deep Thoughts with Jack Handy" introspection I realized that I am rarely if ever happy. It really sucks being a perfectionist! I can think of a million ways I could've done something better, cheaper, faster.
Oh yeah, and then there's all this other stuff worth mentioning:
1) an old friend of mine ran across some new pictures of me on a social web site and started flirting with me online and saying that she and her husband are swingers and would I come and play the next time I'm on town.......and then she sent pictures of the two of them. Ever notice that the people who are swingers are never the people who should be swingers? What the hell is up with that. If an attractive couple made the offer I'd consider but why is that never the case?
2) my two ex best friends (the guy and I quite hanging out because all he wanted to do was drink and the girl and I quit hanging out because she couldn't take it that everyone thought we were sleeping together) who had nothing positive to say about one another and never hung out together......started to. Then dated, then got married and I just found out are pregnant. All in the span of about 6 months. What the hell? Has the world gone crazy?
3) I have a number of friends that I was close to but we've drifted apart for a host of reasons. But...when they need help or something who's the first person they call? That's right, little 'ole me. I feel like Lucy in the Peanuts cartoon with the "Doctor is in" stand. Where are they when I'm bummed out and need a friend? And I can't say now because I know that helping is the right thing to do and its what I would want someone to do for me. Just ain't nobody doing it!
I have no idea if this post even makes sense. I now there's more but the caffeine is wearing off and I'm losing focus!!
Yes I do love the adult film stars and am a huge fan of stacked heels but today this is my moment of zen......
goddamnit do I want to be in that tub!!
Would you PLEASE stop disappearing like this! I miss ya' when you do!
Sorry cutie, my life's kinda sucked lately! I'll be sure to not drop out again.
Can I call you Doctor Lucy now? If I put a nickel in your can, will I be able to prop up on a leather couch and tell you my problems?
I keep saying you're the male version of me. Open minded, non-judgmental (at least where they can hear anyway) and not emotionally stunted. That's why people come to you.
I kid around a lot, but you always know you have an ear here that will listen without judging, offer advice only when solicited, and always, but always refer you to good porn. :D
And that's why I fight so hard to not listen to that little devil on my shoulder that tells me to take a plane to Texas!!!
*waits patiently in line for her turn on splinter's couch* i promise to bring no problems for you to listen to. only entertainment. :-)
1. Ever notice that the people who are swingers are never the people who should be swingers?" - yes indeed. that is usually the case. i was watching something on tv the other day about swingers and i thought, dude, i'd never swing with those people.
2. "Has the world gone crazy?" - most definitely. i have proof too. mass craziness in my corner of the world too.
3. i find myself in those situations all the time. i hear ya.
with regard to the "6 pack build"... i am SO demanding pictures!
How did I miss this? I DEMAND pictures of the six pack, too!!!!!!
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