Friday, July 11, 2008

Damnit all to hell!

I go away for a while and then come back to the realization that Efx2 has finally failed me and left me without a place to blog (I can't even log into my old blog in order to retrieve my old posts). Some days you're the windshield and some days you're just the damn bug!!

I have no idea what's going on with my Efx2 pals and feel totally lost (its ModBlog all over again!!) . No to mention I couldn't use thesplinteredmind 'cause it was taken over here. Oh yeah, I have to come up with a new background too. SONUVA!!!

Taking a break to be angry.



Kelly Ann said...

Check this thread:

You can find a few there, and from the links in their sidebar, you'll find more. :)

Dee Jay said...

I was hoping you'd find your way over here soon. I haven't been able to tease you about your hands down your pants in ages!

*adds you to links and grins*

It's great to see you!!

Demetrius Flint said...

There, there. The porn fairy is here. Let's sound really down in the dumps.

I'm sure she's thinking about you.....

Anonymous said...

Aw, there there Splinty... *pats*
We're all about here somewhere :P

Spacey Stacey said...

yay! you are here! *adds you to my feeds* thanks for the bday wishes!

TheSplinteredMind said...

OMG Slayer!! That's my girl Tiffany Brookes. My hands are SO down my pants right now!!

Thanks guys so much for dropping by and leaving a note. I've been in the crapper as of late and you've all brightened my day up. Now I need to get a better "splinter themed" background and start naughty posting again!!


TheSplinteredMind said...

look here honeybun! :) It was less angry and more frustrated.

BTW, that little graphic of yours is so darn sexy!